COUNCILLOR Clive Smith’s comments about Graham Jones's letter (Gazette, December 26) somewhat miss the point that Malvern Hills district councillors, at a time of swingeing cuts to all public services, saw fit to vote for a substantial rise in their own allowances, with a massive 20 per cent increase for the council leader.

Some spoke against it, but talk being cheap nevertheless ended up voting in favour.

It matters not whether those with tender consciences donated their increases to charity – they were not elected to fritter away taxpayers' money on any cause of their choice.

Perhaps it is time to remind ourselves of those councillors reported as voting in favour (Gazette, March 7, 2014): Baker, Bass, Behan, H Campbell, Cousins, Farmer, Grove, Harding, Hughes, Massey, Morgan, V Myatt, Penn, Pilcher, Rea, Swinburn, Wells, Williams and Young.

Perhaps they consoled themselves with Robert Clive’s memorable words: “When I remember my opportunity I am surprised at my own moderation!”

Anthony Skelsey
