AS a child I was very aware of the horrible conditions my father and his employees sometimes had to work under in order to get fresh milk ready for the tanker every morning of the year.

And I also remember how vital the monthly cheque from the Milk Marketing Board was to the survival of our small family dairy farm.

I am also proud of how our local farms contributed to the maintenance of the beautiful north Shropshire landscape.

Last night I watched Country File and listened to the facts of modern dairy farming being spelled out.

Then I nipped into our local Tesco and saw the signs bragging how the price of milk was reduced to £1 for four pints and that they were committed to holding it down.

Images of my father cutting frozen stalks of kale for the cows came to my mind and I decided never again to use any supermarket which is party to a policy so callously destroying the British dairy industry.

Elizabeth Flanagan
