MALVERN Hills Conservators are looking for volunteers to help take care of frogs and toads this spring.

During the mating season, frogs and toads cross open ground at night to reach their spawning ponds.

"Not only do they have to cross roads and dodge traffic, they are now subject to a new fungal disease," said Conservators' director Ian Rowat. "Frogwatch this spring will be looking to train up new volunteers to identify the fungus."

He said it's not possible to identify infected frogs merely by looking at them, but the fungus can be diagnosed with skin swabs. In this way, the extent of the disease and its distribution can be understood.

Conservators, working with local expert Nigel Hand and the Herefordshire Amphibian and Reptile Team will be out on warm evenings escorting the toads across the road. Anyone interested in helping is asked to get in touch with the Conservators on 01684 892002.