A GROUP of conservationists from Colwall will be featuring on the BBC's Countryfile programme next month.

A team from the popular show were in the village on Friday, April 15, talking to members of the Colwall Orchard Group and filming them at work and play in the orchards.

Helen Stace of the group said: "Countryfile got in touch with us because they are doing a piece on the completion of a survey of traditional orchards organised by the People's Trust for Endangered Species. The survey was looking for wildlife, such as the noble chafer beetle, which is found in orchards.

"It was particularly appropriate that they came to us, because it was taking part in the survey, which started in 2007, that caused us to form the group. We looked around the orchards and saw what a poor state many of them were in, and that's where we started."

The BBC crew filmed volunteers at work, pruning the trees, and taking part in a reconstruction for the cameras of last year's blossom picnic organised by the group.

By coincidence, the programme is due to go out on Sunday, May 1, date of this year's blossom picnic.

"We'll have to persuade one of the pubs to put a TV in the bar, so we can enjoy the picnic and then come in and see the show," said Helen.