RESIDENTS of West Malvern are being asked what they think of plans for a new pavilion on the village playing field.

The pavilion is intended as a replacement for an older building, which was torn down in 2008 after falling into dereliction.

A committee of volunteers from the village has been formed and has come up with several ideas, which local residents are being asked to comment on.

Although the playing field is owned by the parish council, and council members are among the volunteers, the intention is to carry out the work without funding from the authority.

Mick Aldridge, one of the volunteers, said they are looking at several ideas, including a sports pavilion with changing facilities, a bigger pavilion with a communal area or a multi-purpose building which combines community hall and sports pavilion.

He said: "What we are doing now with this consultation is to find out what West Malvern people actually want. This is something we need to do now in order to go forward with the idea and to look for funding."

Residents are now being asked to fill in a consultation leaflets asking them how often they used the playing fields and which option would most encourage them to use the fields Copies of the consultation leaflet are available from the project volunteers, and when completed can be left at the village hall, school, social club or church, or at the Brewers Arms, Elim Cafe, or British Legion.

The consultation form can also be filled in online at