ORGANISERS of Upton in Bloom are nervously awaiting the results of their efforts for what could be the final time.

Upton has an unblemished record of success in the Heart of England in Bloom competition and hopes are high that months of hard work will yield another gold award when the results are announced on Thursday (September 16).

However unless more volunteers can be found to share the workload, there is a very real chance that this year’s entry will be Upton’s last.

Chairman Jackie Surtees hopes it will not come to this, but believes it will be impossible for Upton to maintain its high standards or even continue without fresh blood.

“Unfortunately I don’t think we will be able to maintain it to any standard at all without new recruits,” she said. “A lot of the committee are looking to step down and people are tired.

“It is very hard work - we have the main planting twice a year but also the watering, fund-raising, and a great deal of planning. A lot of hours go into it, but it is hugely rewarding.”

Mrs Surtees wants anyone interested in getting involved to come forward before Upton in Bloom’s annual general meeting on Thursday, October 7, when the group’s future will be decided.

“We’ll need people to fill committee roles and to help tackle everything else involved. The more we get on board, the easier it will get,” she said. “I definitely think In Bloom is something that would be missed. A lot of the floral displays that draw so many compliments would just not be there anymore because they are all done by volunteers.”

This year’s Heart of England in Bloom results will be announced in Newcastle-under-Lyme.

Mrs Surtees, who will be joined at the ceremony by fellow committee members Peter and Diane Bellamy and Upton’s mayor Andrea Morgan, has her fingers crossed for another good result.

“We’re quietly confident. It was another very good judging day with lots of support from people in the town,” she said.

Anyone interested in getting involved with Upton in Bloom should call Mrs Surtees on 01684 592336.