A MALVERN doctor and peace protester can continue to practice despite being convicted of domestic violence.

Dr Trevor Trueman, of Westminster Road, was convicted of actual bodily harm, following an incident of domestic violence in November 2005.

The 57-year-old retired from full-time practice in 1994 but continues to work part-time at the surgery in Colwall.

At the Gene-ral Medical Council (GMC) on Monday, he was told he can stay on but with conditions and monitoring.

The Fitness to Practice Panel heard Dr Trueman admitted responsibility for the assault, though he did not recall full details.

The panel was told the act was associated with heavy alcohol use and marital difficulties at the time.

The GMC said testimonials described him as a competent and caring doctor, well respected by both colleagues and patients.

Dr Trueman was issued with ten restrictions for three years. These include being supervised when seeing patients, informing the GMC of any new employment details and allowing information to be shared between employers and the council.

Dr Trueman featured in the Gazette earlier this year, for his protest against plans for a new generation of nuclear weapons.