This year’s Treasure Hunt was devised by three members of the club and proved to be quite a tricky event! Several teams competed against each other in friendly rivalry although there were one or two intense moments of competitiveness and disinformation to put rivals off the scent! The Treasure Hunt introduced some of us to unknown parts of the area and there was a variety of different questions and puzzles to solve. We ended up at Tewkesbury, by the river, to enjoy a delicious shared picnic. Great fun as usual and everyone still friends at the end of it. Thanks to the organisers Sue, Tiggy and David.

Gordon Forrest will be opening our first meeting of the club year. He will be at the Village Hall on Tuesday 20th September at 7.30pm. His talk is ‘Farmers working with Nature. (Set-aside)’, every year farmers are paid to ‘set-aside’ land to encourage wildlife and native plants. How successful is it? How do the two interact? If you have wondered about this, or never come across it before, Gordon will explain.

Membership is £5 a year and £2 per meeting, Visitors £3. Free refreshments are available. We are a friendly club and enjoy meeting new people, so why not come and join us?