On Monday, April 18 at 7.30 pm in the Colwall Village Hall, the Colwall Village Society will be holding a public meeting at which Ron Shoesmith, the former Hereford Archaeologist, will give a talk about Alfred Watkins. Watkins (1855-1935) was an English author, archaeologist & antiquarian and an early expert exponent of photography, particularly in Herefordshire (over 3000 of his photographs are held in Hereford Library.) In 1921 he also put forward the concept of ‘ley lines’ and in 1925 published a book entitled ‘The Old Straight Track,’ In 2002 Wye Valley Brewery named a beer after him, ‘Watkins Triumph.’

Just before Mr Shoesmith’s talk the Society will hold its short Annual General Meeting.

All are welcome. Tea/coffee will be served before the meeting from 7pm. Non members £2.

