OUR new President, Isabel Carmichael, welcomed members and our speaker to the January meeting.

The Christmas Dinner at The Talbot, Ledbury was good company and fun with a Christmas themed bingo thrown in.

The first round of the County Quiz takes place on March 18 in Ledbury Community Hall with the final on April 8. Teams to be confirmed in February.

A letter was read from outgoing President, Rosemary, thanking everyone for their gifts in recognition of her term as President.

The schedules for the October Craft and Produce Show were circulated. This year they include knitting patterns for baby hats and blankets which will be donated to charity.

Members then discussed the eight resolutions put forward for selection for the AM in Brighton. A vote was taken and “Ban the Microbead” was first with “Avoid Food Waste, Address Food Poverty” second.

Donna Socket, a dance teacher, then demonstrated and taught members to dance the Merengue. It made for an enjoyable and energetic evening. Donna was thanked by Frances-Jane.

The next meeting is on Thursday, February 11 in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm. The speaker is Alan Wells on "A Bee’s Eye view of the Garden". The competition is something home-made from honey.

The Craft Evenings are now on the first and third Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. For further details please phone Sue on 01531 640029. New members are always welcome if you are looking for something new this year why not join us.