SATURDAY was a beautiful day - a misty start and then glorious sunshine.

Members of the Malvern Welcomes Syrian Refugees group met at the Repair Cafe with our visitors, including two Syrian refugee families, from Brushstrokes, a Smethwick based charity that welcomes newcomers to their area and helps them get established.

The Repair Cafe, a wonderful local initiative, brings together skilled craftspeople and local people to give extended life to household objects, clothing and technology by fixing things rather than discarding and buying new. Our visitors were keen to start a similar scheme in Smethwick.

This was at The Cube, Malvern's shining example of a thriving community centre, created in a few years by the good thinking, work and determination of a few far sighted locals to become a buzzing creative hub for entertainment, learning, eating and meeting.

Then a delicious lunch at the H2O cafe at the Wyche, another example of the creativity and social entrepreneurship of Malvern people, and walked in sunlight on the hills.

Our visitors went home with apples from a local garden having enjoyed their day and seeing Malvern as a wonderful place to which to invite Syrian refugees to live.

Malvern lives!