VISITORS are always welcome on the first Monday of the month at Colwall Village Hall WR13 6EQ.

We meet for 7.30pm when there is a talk given by a person well versed in their speciality. Arrive early, meet the members and enjoy a free cup of tea or coffee.

On Monday, March 2 we welcome Pauline Pears. Pauline will talk on My Desert Island Veg and as a garden advisor for 30 with Garden Organic we should learn a thing or two help save our resources. As she is also the editor of The Encyclopaedia of Organic Gardening, our knowledge will, no doubt, be improved.

At the last meeting all who attended were able to purchase books from the collection of a well known local gardener, the late Merle Stanning. This is a stunning collection gathered over many years, any one of which will enhance a gardener’s library. The writer found a 1949 edition of The Countryman’s Breakfast Poser for £1. The collection is available on Monday. All proceeds go to the P P Memorial Fund, which helps support horticultural students at Pershore College.

Come early, make/meet friends and discuss your gardening interests (and challenges). There are many experienced and knowledgeable gardeners who are happy to answer questions. Subscriptions, payable in January, are £12; visitors are charged £4.