IN recent days there has been much news of suffering. Conflicts and contrasts between people of many places and persuasions. News of hunger, fear, violence and poverty. Differences in wealth, security, respect, and opportunity. Vivid television images bring into our homes the harrowing circumstances of desolated communities and despairing families. Of suffering.

Yet alongside are images of committed care and compassion. Medical and relief workers giving of themselves for the practical, relief of others. Their response to the dilemmas of our world give not only support and healing to those they are serving, but also an example and a challenge to ourselves. Many of us in Malvern, understandably, have much to be thankful for, and also many opportunities to support the food banks, credit unions, counselling services, national Charities and local groups which work to redress inequality in all its forms and places..

This week we began the season of Lent. Let us not only look inwards to consider our personal lives and situations, but also around us for opportunities to learn about, and contribute to, the work for reparation, restoration and reconciliation.

The healing of a suffering world.

DEREK SHARPLES, Holy Trinity Church