PRESIDENT, Ellen Gwynne, welcomed members to the November meeting.

Members were reminded that they would also be celebrating their 80th Anniversary at the Christmas Meeting on December 2. TWO4ONE will be entertaining members with hits of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and also well known Christmas songs – those who have seen them perform previously can promise a lively evening!

In addition to the December monthly competition of a festive table arrangement, members could also join in the Secret Santa. The December meeting would commence at the earlier time of 7pm.

Birthday posies were presented to Shelagh Willis, Pat Handley, Sue Jones and Shirley Smith and the lovely table arrangement was sent to Ivy Coley, who had just celebrated her 91st birthday.

Elaine Shaw showed members photographs of two completed blankets made from squares knitted by the members and confirmed these were now on the way to Mogadishu.

Rachel Foyle and her colleague from the Elgar Museum gave a talk on how Elgar and his wife would have spent Christmas Day and demonstrated examples of typical Christmas paper decorations of the period, and members were able to produce some also. Following a vote of thanks given by Heather Clark, refreshments were served. The monthly competition was won by Angela Jones.

2015 Future Programme - January no meeting - February 3, 2015 Rob Stevenson will be talking about Working with the Environment.

In closing the President and Committee wish all the members the compliments of the Season.