MEMBERS were welcomed to the November meeting by the President, Doreen Dyson.

She reported that the wild flower seeds obtained from the Autumn Council meeting had now been scattered on land opposite the Village Hall where it is hoped they will flourish. Members were asked to check the notice board for the many and varied activities available, with particular reference to the skittles evening on Friday, November 21 and the Christmas party on December 4. Callow End WI will be represented at the Remembrance Day service at the War Memorial when Doreen will lay a wreath. Members were also reminded that the January meeting will be on the second Thursday, as the first falls within the New Year holiday.

The speaker for the evening was Jeff Ford from Stroud, who gave a practical demonstration with talk on enamelling – the creation of jewellery and other pieces by fusing glass to copper. There was sufficient room for everyone to get a close view of the creation of beautiful pieces, all very different. Jeff gave detailed information on this ancient craft. We were able to handle pieces of enamelling glass, of varying colours, which when held up to the light revealed such sparkle. This glass is then ground down to make the dust which is applied to the copper base. Each piece is unique and its beauty is not revealed until it has cooled down after firing.

As he worked he explained each step and amused us with anecdotes from his long teaching career. He had examples of completed work – mainly small boxes with enamelled lids, and jewellery – and some members began their Christmas shopping! His portfolio also showed much larger three dimensional projects. Jeff gave members a fascinating evening and he was thanked by Sandra Charlton.

The December meeting is the Christmas party when members will be entertained by Mike and Pat Ledbury with their Victorian Christmas, to include a finger buffet. Members attending are asked to bring a plate of food and a gift for Santa’s sack.