THIS week, many churches will be celebrating Bible Sunday.

As the name suggests, it is the Sunday when we think especially of what the Bible means to us – although of course we read it and reflect on it at all our church services.

Some people today see the Bible as irrelevant; just a collection of ancient texts that cannot mean anything to us in the 21st century. Yet it is not only the foundation of many of our laws, but it contains a rich variety of history, poetry, inspiration and general good sense.

Even people who profess to have no religious belief acknowledge that Jesus’s teaching about how we should behave to one another is a good basis for human co-existence.

So, if you have not looked at a Bible since school days, why not have another look this week? You may find God speaking to you in a completely unexpected way. If you don’t have a Bible in the house, there are plenty of web-sites - just type Bible into your search engine.