AFTER the disappointment of a low attendance last month it was a pleasure to have so many members at our March meeting and we were delighted to welcome Ann Conaboy as a new member.

Following the success of our poppy campaign with a record £4,045 last year we will be actively seeking to surpass this in the current year with fundraising activities locally.

Our first event is planned for Saturday, May 24 at Powick Parish hall when we plan to hold a coffee morning with a bring and buy and a raffle: further details will be announced shortly.

We are also planning to have a recruitment stand at the Powick Fete in the summer.

After our business meeting the chairman gave an illustrated talk with slides when the subject was The Battle of the Radio Beams. This featured the initiative taken early in World War Two when the Luftwaffe developed highly sophisticated radio navigation aids to enable them to bomb our cities in all weather to devastating effect. This was clearly illustrated with the virtual destruction of Coventry and decimation of other cities such as Bristol, Hull and Plymouth. The bombing of London was made easy on moonlit nights without the need for navigation aids with the River Thames from it’s estuary leading direct to the docks and East End