PRESIDENT Cath Blackwell welcomed members and apologies were given from those unable to attend.

The speaker for the evening, Eileen Dilley, provided members with two lovely cakes to enjoy with their refreshments and these went down very well.

Mrs Dilley brought along quite a collection of items in connection with her talk The Social History of Afternoon Tea which included tea caddies from through the years and a selection of pretty china cups and saucers.

Mrs Dilley explained her interest in the history of afternoon tea had begun many years ago but put it into practice when opening a guest house.

Her guests were delighted to experience tea as it once was with cucumber sandwiches and cakes all served on delicate china with the appropriate tablecloths of the time and having taken ideas from the Ritz this included loose tea with tea strainer, sugar cubes and butter in rolls (not frozen packs!) So well-known and special were the teas that an Egon Ronay Tea Place of the Year award was given.

Mary Roberts thanked Mrs Dilley on behalf of all the members.

Cath reminded members that the next meeting would be on Monday with Bill Denny speaking on Little Malvern Priory and Court.

There will also be a raffle.

Payment will be due for those members who have ordered cards, calendars or diaries and also for those still wishing to order them.

If you are unsure what the WI is all about or if it is of interest to you, give us a try, no commitment necessary just an evening out with a chat over a coffee/tea and interesting talks or demonstrations.

Contact Cath on 01684 540020 or Moira on 01684 541791