The Bishop of Bunbury, Western Australia, Right Rev F Goldsmith, has been paying a visit to Malvern this week. Dr Goldsmith has been in England on a holiday for some time, and has been speaking and preaching in various places up and down the country. On Tuesday, he addressed a meeting at Holy Trinity Church Hall, and on Wednesday gave the address at the monthly intercession for foreign missions at St Matthias' Church, Malvern Link.

Malvern Gazette, May 31, 1912.


So great has been the demand for tickets for the visit of Acker Bilk and his Paramount Jazz Band to Malvern Winter Gardens on Saturday that a 'black market' in tickets has sprung up. It is known that the six-shilling tickets have been changing hands at between 10s and £1. Within a few days of the 1,200 tickets being put on sale, every one was sold. In Worcester, the three ticket agencies got rid of 500 in no time at all.

Malvern Gazette, June 1, 1962.


A memorial to Sir Edward Elgar was unveiled on Sunday in a beauty spot which helped inspire his music. A wooden bench has been placed on Malvern Wells Common, within walking distance of the composer's home Craeg Lea. The seat was presented by the Elgar Society.

Malvern Gazette, June 5, 1987.

Voting arrangements are to be improved at St Katherine's Hall, Ledbury, which Malvern Hills District Council chief executive Mr Len Martin says is "large, but not ideal" as a polling station. He states that siting more than one polling station in the building causes confusion.

Ledbury Reporter, June 5, 1987.