A MALVERN sports club has announced plans for its second major extension in less than two years.

Manor Park has this week submitted plans for a £240,000 re-development of its clubhouse facilities.

It is hoped that work on the project could start as soon as late April, less than two years after tennis star Tim Henman visited the Albert Road North club to officially open a £400,000 indoor tennis extension.

The latest plans involve creating a lounge and bar area on the first-floor of the clubhouse, overlooking the floodlit tennis courts and offering a view out to the Malvern Hills.

New bathroom facilities would be installed on the ground floor, with the current ones and an existing bar removed to create more space in the indoor bowls area.

Fred Orme, chairman of indoor bowls at Manor Park, said the development would bring considerable advantages to everyone who uses or visits the club.

“It will obviously benefit the club as a whole because the lounge and bar area will be much nicer and more accessible.

It also means our indoor bowls members will have more space and we hope it will encourage new members to join us,” he said.

Mr Orme added it was originally hoped the extension could be in place by November 2011, when the indoor bowls club celebrated its 25th year.

“Unfortunately that was not possible but, subject to us managing to raise the remaining money, we hope to get it done between late April and September, the quiet season for indoor bowls,” he said.

“At the moment we could probably guarantee about a third of the money and we will be carrying out a bit of an internal fund-raising drive. If we could raise another £50,000 or so it would give us more power to convince various organisations we are worth supporting.”

Manor Park also offers squash, archery, racketball and tennis and is Worcestershire’s official Lawn Tennis Association club.

The LTA invested £204,000 in the last extension.