I WAS in the city of Arusha in northern Tanzania in East Africa, in November. There is a Midlands charity called Project Arusha which has two main objectives. It pays the school fees for some girls and boys at the secondary schools. It has also sent 27 sixth-formers from here to spend three months in Tanzania, helping in schools and experiencing African culture.

Our youngsters are amazed by the happiness and friendliness of everyone they meet. Karibu : Welcome, is the first Swahili word they learn. You catch everyone’s eye. You respond to their smiles. People want to know where you are from and why you are there.

Now, I know we don’t have the sun here. I know they say that 2012 will need more belt-tightening. Could we not share some happiness with one another? To greet people properly is an esteemed African virtue. Give it a try at the check-out and the petrol station. Greet people with a word and a smile in the street. Some people might think you are a little odd, but it’s worth the risk.

Today is the feast of the Epiphany, the manifestation of the child Jesus to the Magi, the wise men from the east. Despite all our troubles, can we not show others that we follow the light that shines in the darkness. Try it with a smile.

MGR PATRICK KILGARRIFF, St Joseph's Catholic Church, Malvern.