GOOD news for Sunday newspaper readers, local demand has encouraged David Hall, who currently delivers milk and newspapers, Monday to Saturday, to start a Sunday delivery.

For further information, ring (01432) 269637. The Sunday delivery is available even if you do not have a mid-week delivery and new customers would ensure the success of the venture.

The next farmers' market and coffee morning is on Saturday, September 16, when we hope to welcome additional local suppliers with seasonal produce.

Hereford Cathedral Voluntary Choir start Music at Bosbury's autumn season on Saturday, September 23, at 7.30pm in Holy Trinity. Director Peter Dyke, who is the cathedral's assistant organist, chooses some unusual and demanding repertoire for the choir, as well as drawing from the wonderful heritage of Anglian church music.

The programme for this concert includes Mozart's Missa Brevis K194. Tickets adults £8, under-16s £4, family £20 available from Esther Kay on (01531) 670634.

Bosbury WI have invited Mike George and Reg Moule, from BBC Hereford and Worcester, to a gardener's question-time session on Thursday, September 28, at 7.30pm at the parish hall. Tickets are £3.50 and include a finger buffet. For further details, ring (01684) 540682 or (01531) 640896.

On Sunday, at Holy Trinity, the service is at 11am. A modern morning prayer with hymns and worship songs.