A BRIGHT sunny day last Tuesday saw 14 walkers and dogs Digby and Monty walk over the River Severn for the four mile walk to Earl’s Croome and return. The footpath joined part of the Severn Way past the Upton Marina and over fields to reach Ryall. The blossom on the trees – cherry and apple – was stunning in the sunshine and in the distance the yellow rape flowers were seen. The path followed a ridge with the Severn valley and the Malverns to the left and the Avon valley and Bredon Hill to the right – and here the keen wind blew. The route led across the Pershore Road to join the way to Earl’s Croome where the fine war memorial stands at the junction. On reaching St Nicholas Church at Earl’s Croome the walkers had time to admire the tomb of Charles John Coventry, the second son of 9th Earl of Coventry (born 1867, died 1929) and his widow Lily Bruen (born 1896, died 1970). Also commemorated were George William 11th Earl (1934-2002) and Ted, Viscount Deerhurst (1957-1997). The churchyard was full of primroses and everyone admired the new fine golden cockerel on the weather vane. After crossing more fields Earl’s Croome Court came into view and the path led over the A38 near the Yorkshire Grey Inn. First a field full of cowslips was crossed then a field of dandelions growing for silage or hay. The walkers then reached a large farm with its herd of Holstein or Friesian Cattle. Along the way only horses had been passed and woodland with early bluebells. The path led over the field where Upton Point-to-Point runs and onto Fish Meadow where a model glider was in the air. Steps led up onto the Upton Bridge and back to the car park. Rosemary was thanked for leading a lovely walk in an area which was new to the majority of the group.

The next walk is on Wednesday, April 27 when a five mile walk will include part of the Brockhampton Estate. Please meet at The Royal Oak, Bromyard Down (GR953451) at 10am when Bob will lead (1905 831873).

Congratulations to Catherine Carr of Bowling Green Road, who successfully completed the London Marathon last Sunday. The money sponsored is expected to raise £1,200 for the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.

On Good Friday there is a service at 2pm at St James’ church, Callow End; and on Easter Sunday at 11am Easter Communion is at St Peter’s, Powick and at 9.30am at St James’, Callow End.

Last Monday Powick Ramblers’ AGM was held at the Orchard Centre, Colletts Green. Walks Secretary Rita de Boer reported on the numbers of walks (51) and the number of miles covered (239) over the course of the year from Malvern to Bredon and many other places. The treasurer David Allen reported on the provision of maps displayed in Powick and in Callow End in special Map Cases for the benefit of the communities. The officers and committee members were all re-elected to serve for another year and votes of thanks were given to the committee and leaders of walks. The evening ended with a slide show of the work on the RSPB and of birds which can be seen in gardens, by Garth Lowe.

Many friends and family of the late Canon John Williams attended his funeral at Worcester crematorium on Monday. The service was taken by Father Leonard Byrne who at the time of Canon Williams’ retirement to Peopleton was the new Vicar at Peopleton Church and who was helped in his ministry. The shared memories of his father were given by his son John who spoke of his father’s birth in Wales and of his studying of Classics at Lincoln College, Oxford. Not only did he serve as Priest in Powick for 21 years but he was a member of the TA where he was padre. Present at the service was Arthur Young who carried the Naval Association Standard (Pershore and District) and who also knew Canon Williams whilst living on Colletts Green. Members of Powick Bell Ringers (John Hubbard, Mary Ward, Roger Gurney and Paul Smith) who had rung the church bells (half muffled) in memory of Canon Williams also attended.