MALVERN Green's meeting on Tuesday, April 12 began with refreshments served with chocolate Easter egg nests kindly provided by Bridget Ripper. There was also an Easter raffle with prizes of Easter eggs, flowers and gifts. Since the last meeting, some members had enjoyed lively conversation and a good lunch at Wetherspoons. Birgit and Barbara had attended the Annual Council Meeting of the WFWI at the Three Counties and gave members a report on their day.

Pat Deacon has invited members to her home on Monday, April 25 for coffee and cake, and there will be a bring and buy stall as well as a raffle for funds. There will also be the fun of making fancy hats to celebrate the Royal Wedding.

The committee has been discussing the various ideas for a summer outing. These were put to the members and a river trip found most favour. Arrangements will now be made and we will hope for good weather.

The speaker was the popular choice of Stella Hewitt and her canine partner Jenson. Members were impressed to learn about the objects of the charity Canine Partners for independence and how they select and train puppies for the most important work they carry out. When Stella then explained and showed photographs of what Jenson could do members were speechless. It just seemed unbelievable that dogs could carry out to command so many tasks in an intelligent and understanding partnership, enabling people to live a normal life, to be completely independent without carers, and feel safe and secure at home and outside. These wonderful dogs are indeed best friends.

After answering questions Stella took off Jenson's coat, his badge of on duty and everyone made a great fuss of him. Several members commented that if they had a dog like Jenson, husbands would be redundant.