THE Justice and Peace Group invites you to come on Sunday, February 20 to the Friends’ Meeting house in Orchard Road, from 3pm till 4.30pm, to pray for peace in Palestine. The speaker is Charlotte Marshall who works for Christian Aid and has visited Gaza and other parts of the Middle East. She will speak on Gaza, a humanitarian crisis? Progress to peace? Tea and cake will follow at the end of the meeting.

Worcester Cathedral is also staging an exhibition of Children’s Art from the children of Gaza. The exhibition runs from Sunday, February 13 to Sunday, February 27.

The organisers, collectors and supporters of Christian Aid are invited to a pre-Christian Aid Week event being held in St Andrew’s Church, Poolbrook, on Wednesday, February 16. From 2pm till 5pm drop-in for cake and Nicaraguan coffee or from 6.30pm till 8.30pm for an evening meal and a chance to meet other Christian Aid supporters.

A reminder, that all representatives of the Malvern churches are invited to the full meeting of CTM on Monday at 7.30pm in the Guesten Hall of the Lyttelton Well.

The Women’s World day of Prayer will be marked by two services in Malvern on Friday, March 4. St Andrew’s Church in Poolbrook will show slides of Chile at 12.30pm before the service which starts at 2pm. (Bring a picnic lunch; drinks will be provided). At St Peter’s, Cowleigh Bank, there is a service at 7.30pm. This year the service has been prepared by the women of Chile whose chose the theme, How many loaves have You? The whole world rejoiced in October on hearing the news that 33 Chilean miners were rescued after being trapped underground for more than two months. The women of Chile share their thoughts in this service. Another identical service will take place at St James’ Church, Callow End on Friday, March 4 at 7.30pm. All are welcome to these interdenominational services.