ON Sunday at Holy Trinity Church, Bosbury, Parish Communion will be celebrated at 9.30am. All are welcome.

On Friday, February 18, at Bosbury Parish Hall, Flicks in the Sticks will show Tamara Drewe. When journalist, Tamara Drewe, returns to the village of her youth, she sets local male hearts aflame, upsetting the rural tranquillity and transforming the village into a ferment of temptation, seduction and tawdry gossip. Doors open at 7.15pm for 7.30pm and tickets are £4.

The next Farmers’ Market and Coffee morning will be on Saturday February 19, between 10.30am and noon, at Bosbury Parish Hall. We now have a regular core of local food suppliers, including fresh vegetables from Little Marcle Farm Shop. New stalls are always welcome, space permitting, but pre-booking is essential. Please telephone Rhinedd Krinks (01531 640076) or Liz Clutterbuck (01531 640415) for further details.