WOULD you like to adopt, and look after, an old grave, which has been left untended without any love or affection? All you have to do is to weed and tidy it, to stop weeds growing over, and covering, the grave. Most of the graves to be adopted are more than 100 years old and we would really appreciate your help! St Mary’s Church, Longdon. 01684 833152 Are you ready for a little adventure? Want to be stretched a bit, and see Christian faith lived out in a very different environment? Michael is looking toward a two-week trip with an Anglican Mission organisation (SOMA) later in the year. If anyone would like to join him he’d love to hear from you to talk it over – ring 01684 830133, or have a word when you see him. As soon as possible, please, to allow time to plan.

Bridge Builders club night takes place on Saturday, February 12 at the Vicarage, Longdon, from 5pm–6.30pm. Please ring Eileen on 833256 for further details.

On Sunday, February 13, there will be a service of Holy Communion at St Mary’s Church, Longdon, beginning at 8am. There is no service at Queenhill this week.