I AM writing in response to Beverley Nielson the newly appointed Conservator.

I have been a regular customer at St Ann's Well for 15 years and worked there for a year. I am confused by several of the points in her letter. She says that she wants the cafe to be enjoyed by the whole community, I think it already is, perhaps if she and her fellow Conservators ever visited the Well they would be better placed to make decisions regarding it's future.

The idea of having an information centre in the Octagon Bar is a nonsense, it is inaccessible due to the steep and dangerous steps. Over the years people have tried to run shops and galleries in the bar and have spent many lonely hours waiting for someone to come in. When I worked there whole days would go by with no customers. The Conservators will have to employ several people to man the cafe and Octagon Bar at great expense to us, the Council Tax payers.

As far as driving people up to the Well is concerned, the Conservators have already had a feasibility study carried out and been told it is not possible as there is now way of separating vehicular and pedestrian access, a serious health and safety issue. The idea that young families need to be driven up is obviously foolish, I have a young family myself and we walk up on a regular basis. It also does not fit with her hopes of a zero carbon footprint and, again, the cost of employing a driver to sit around doing very little for seven days a week would presumably also fall to the Council Tax payer.

Finally I was intrigued to hear that the Council have voted in favour of the Conservators' plans, even though their only published plan is to evict Mr Redman from the place that has been his home and his living for 20 years. No-one knows what the Wells needs more than him and yet the Conservators are spending large amounts of our money on solicitors fees trying to get rid of him, and they won't even tell him why.

Mrs Nielson claims that they will be welcoming ideas from the public, obviously not from the 99% of the present customers of the Wells who have signed the petition opposed to the Conservators plans. It is another example of the arrogance and ignorance of our so called representatives and it makes me very angry.

ERIC ASTON, Lower Montpelier Road, West Malvern.