‘EXCUSE me, Sir’ is often the opening gambit from an American tourist seeking information among the seven thousand that visit Westminster Abbey each summer day.

One of the key tasks of the Chaplain on Duty is to meet visitors, answer their questions and, with simple hourly prayers, reinforce the prime purpose of the building. Quite often visitors have little idea of what the building is for. It is explained to them that it is not only a very important Church in the country – being one of three Royal Peculiers - but that services are held at least three times every day.

Canon John Atkinson, now retired in Ledbury, is one of 60 parish priests who share the job of Duty Chaplain in the Abbey for one week each year, during which time they live in the Abbey precincts.

In addition to ministering to visitors in the Abbey and St Margaret’s Church next door, the Duty Chaplain is available to members of the staff and volunteers, and presides at the lunchtime Holy Communion three times a week.

It was particularly appropriate that Canon Atkinson was talking in the Priory with its strong historical links with Westminster Abbey at the time of its foundation in 1085, and later with the gift of the north windows by Henry VII.

Those wishing to learn more about Westminster Abbey can explore their website – www.westminster-abbey.org The next Lunchbox Meeting is on Thursday, November 19 when Reverend Michael Shiner will be talking about the second edition of his book on the Clerkenwell Markers. Talk starts at 1pm; refreshments available from 12.30pm.