A care home in Malvern celebrated Easter by teaming up with schoolchildren in a design competition.

Elgar Court Care Home held the Easter egg design contest with winners receiving giant chocolate eggs featuring their inspired artwork.

The home received vibrant submissions from pupils, which left the senior residents in awe.

The top five designs were selected from many entries and the winners received their chocolate prizes following the Easter holiday.

Malvern Gazette: Winning designs (the White egg is designed by Tom at The Downs School)

Sarah Cadwallader, general manager at Elgar Court Care Home, said: "We’ve all been looking forward to our first Easter in our home.

"It’s such a lovely time of year and the residents loved all the colourful Easter egg designs sent to us.

"We are very proud to have a skilled team here to make these winning designs into a chocolatey reality for the children - they couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw how true to life their design was on the egg and, how big it was.

"It’s really been an eggs-cellent effort by all of the winners."

Malvern Gazette: Whizz Kids after school club, St Matthias Primary School

Maria Griffiths, senior care and activities team member who made the confectionary delights, said: "It has been so rewarding to create these chocolate egg designs for the winning children, and to see the delight on their faces when we presented the eggs to them.

"Each egg took over three hours to make, and I am quite sure that it will take much less time for the recipients to eat them."

Residents at Elgar Court Care Home participated in a wide range of Easter festivities, including an Easter egg Hunt, church service, hot cross bun-making session and a delicious roast lamb meal followed by Easter cake, cooked by the home’s head chef.

The winners were Maya from Malvern Parish School, Katelyn from Great Malvern Primary School, Whizz Kids after-school club from St Matthias Primary School, Adeline from Malvern St James and Tom from The Downs School.