THE founder of the Morgan statue appeal has handed over a cheque for £11,000 to the Malvern Museum of Local History.

The donation comes after the statue appeal, which was launched in 2004, was wound up after failing to reach its goal.

The museum will use much of the £11,000 to install a purpose built touch-screen unit, which will allow visitors to learn more about the Morgan Car Company, how a car is designed and constructed, and even custom-design a new model themselves. Posters and publicity literature will feature, as well as a page on the Morgan family.

In addition, the display will provide information about other firms that were developing cars, bicycles and farm machinery in the Malvern Link area, such as the Santler brothers and small manufacturers like Burstons.

Some of the money will also be used to improve the museum's audio guide equipment.

Faith Renger, the museum's creator, said: "It's an amazing gift. It's a pity that the statue appeal didn't succeed, but something good has come of it that will educate visitors about Morgan and about the motor trade in Malvern."