OUR October meeting was well attended and after the business part of the meeting Our speaker was Sally Martineu who is by profession a physiotherapist. Her talk to us concerned women's health, and in particular 'the pelvic floor'. Sally, trained in gynaecology and women's health, spoke first about a project she is involved in, working with the women of Africa. These women have no alternative other than natural childbirth and often have to walk many miles to get to a hospital and often their babies die and they themselves suffer severe complications following the birth. Many require surgical intervention to repair their pelvic floor an option not available for many. Without surgery the women, many of them very young suffer problems of incontinence that in turn affects them socially making them unacceptable and often social pariah's. In Ethiopia a Fistula hospital exists to put right the problems, and give women their life back. Surgery costs £20 to £30 and they are reliant on donations. A similar hospital is being set up in Uganda.

Sally spoke about the women's physio service in Worcester available via your GP. It deals specifically with women's health and addresses problems such as bladder and bowel incontinence and sexual problems. Sally spoke of the different types of incontinence and how to help yourself, she also reminded us of the importance of pelvic floor exercises. She also spoke about sexual health and how to improve things in the bedroom department. Women's health is a serious issue but Sally made it fun yet very informative, helping us to realise that you don't have to put up with things, help is out there if you need it. She doesn't charge a fee for speaking but asks for a donation for the fistula clinics. Our next meeting is on November 10 at 7.30pm in Hanley Swan village Hall. Visitors and new members always welcome.