COUNCILLORS across Worcestershire have united to condemn race hate in the wake of Brexit - calling the post-referendum abuse "shameful".

In the wake of last month's outcome reports of racially-motivated abuse rose 57 per cent across Britain, including attacks on Polish people and their property.

A motion has now been agreed at Worcestershire County Council which takes a stand against the hate, stating that it has "no place in our country".

The motion, created by the Liberal Democrat and Green groups, attracted support across the political spectrum during a meeting at County Hall.

During the debate Lib Dem Councillor Fran Oborski, who is Honorary Polish Consul for the region, told the chamber how Polish people in her division had faced abuse since June 23.

She told of one Polish person who rang her "in tears" two days after the vote asking if she'd be allowed back into Britain after a summer holiday, and other people who had faced verbal abuse.

"It's obvious one of the saddest outcomes of June 23 is that some individuals now feel empowered to express opinions they dare not express openly before," she said.

"Within the Worcestershire community we've seen reports of people saying 'we voted out, go home'.

"This county is about to welcome in Syrian refugees, it's vitally important we make it clear we're proud to live in a tolerant county, we cannot allow this to become acceptable."

"I'm appalled about this unspeakable behaviour - it's vital this county council takes every opportunity it can to lead by example and ensure this intolerable behaviour is not given any place."

Conservative Councillor Andy Roberts called racism "the tool of the ignorant" and "the language of the despot and the bully".

Councillor Peter McDonald, Labour group leader, said: "The Labour group totally supports this motion and everything that's been said."

The motion stated: "We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society.

"Racism, xenophobia and hate crimes have no place in our country.

"We at Worcestershire County Council condemn racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally - we will not allow hate to become acceptable.

"We reassure all people living in Worcestershire that they are valued members of our community."

It also stated that the authority will work to ensure local organisations have the "support and resources needed" to fight it.