MALVERN Hills Conservators are working with mountain bikers to encourage safe and responsible cycling on the hills.

And the collaboration is bearing fruit with the publication of a code of conduct for cyclists who use the hills.

The initiative arose after the Conservators received complaints about bikers not keeping to bridleways, creating new trails and riding at high speeds near walkers and horse-riders.

There were also concerns about serious damage being inflicted to the ramparts of British Camp, a scheduled ancient monument..

The Conservators community and conservation officer Beck Baker, has met local cycling groups and formed a working group to encourage safe and responsible cycling.

With the working group’s help, and following guidance from cycling charity CTC and International Mountain Biking UK, the Conservators have produced a code of conduct for mountain bikers.

Following the code will help cyclists and other users share the hills safely and protect our heritage. These cards are available from the Conservators’ website, and the cards have also been distributed to local groups and bike shops.

Extra signs have been put out on the hills where unlawful mountain biking is known to occur.

Beck Baker says: "Although it is a small minority causing problems for other users of the hills, they are giving all mountain bikers a bad name. We must encourage cyclists to be safe and lawful on the hills so that everyone can share the landscape and enjoy their visit to the hills.

"Meetings with the cycling representatives have been really useful in understanding the way the hills are used for mountain biking and identifying the ways they think will effectively encourage responsible cycling."

A representative from Malvern Cycle Sport said: "It is great to have the opportunity to work with the conservators to look into mountain biking on the hills.

"MCS coaches teach young riders to control their bikes and avoid skidding thereby reducing erosion of the hills. The club also encourages riders to cycle responsibly and respect other hill users.

"We wish to work with the conservators to make use of the hills an enjoyable experience for everyone and to protect wildlife habitat and archaeology. We will also aim to inform riders from outside the area of the importance of respect of the hills and its users."