TAILS were wagging, more than 200 in fact, as dogs took the lead on Sunday during a huge dog walk for charity.

The pet canines and their owners descended on Croome Court to take part in the Great British Dog Walk campaign, in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.

Locals and their four-legged friends were invited to tackle either a 3km or a 8km route, with both trails leading walkers on a picturesque journey through the stunning parkland surrounding Croome Court.

Vicky Ryan, community fundraising manger for The Midlands, said: "We are delighted that over 200 people from Worcester and the surrounding areas joined in the fun at Croome Court this weekend. It was such a wonderful event, and it was so fun to spot the many different dogs putting their best paw forward for our charity.

"Funds raised from our walks will help to transform the lives of even more deaf people across the UK. Hearing Dogs for Deaf People is not government funded, and every penny really does make an enormous difference to individuals struggling with deafness.

"I hope that everyone enjoyed their Worcester walk, and we hope to see you all very soon – maybe even at our next Great British Dog Walk if you are up for the challenge."

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People is a charity that trains dogs to alert their deaf owners to important sounds such as the alarm clock, doorbell and fire alarm.

In total, 223 walkers and their dogs took part.

For more information visit greatbritishdogwalk.org