DOZENS of plants have been stolen from a field in the Kerswell Green area of Kempsey.

In late November a resident planted more than 250 metres of mixed hedging whips, or saplings, on the Marlbank.

But on a number of occasions around 100 of the young plants, including dogwood, blackthorn, field maple and hornbeam, have been stolen.

The plants were bedded in along the left side of the road which goes under the M5 and one stretch of around 120 metres runs along the eastern side of the field, adjacent to a bridle path.

Police are investigating the thefts and urge anyone passing through the village, or using the bridle path, to contact them if they see anyone acting suspiciously.

Call Police Constable Sarah Ransome-Williams at Malvern Police Station on 101, extension number 4310.