TWO students from Dyson Perrins Academy are set to become high-flyers in the high-tech security industry, thanks to a newly-expanded apprenticeship scheme.

James Burton, aged 18, and Carli Marriott, 17, have joined the Malvern Cyber Apprenticeship Development Scheme, which will give them 75 hours a year of innovative workplace learning in the cyber-security industry.

The scheme, known as CADS and the first of its kind in the UK, has been running for four years but was originally run by local cyber security company 3SDL in partnership with QinetiQ and the Chase High School.

But thanks to funding from Malvern Hills District Council, it has now been expanded to all sixth formers across the district.

Previous apprentices have been involved in running cyber-safe awareness programmes in their own schools, briefed government ministers and corporate intelligence officials, and helped to build a lab at the National Cyber Skills Centre at Malvern Hills Science Park.

The cyber-security sector is growing rapidly but it is estimated the industry will be two million skilled workers short by 2020.

Rae McClelland of 3SDL, who manages the apprenticeship scheme, said: “Demand for individuals with cyber skills is high, meaning many companies find it difficult to recruit and retain their staff.

"The scheme is about developing cyber skills in young people in line with the government skills agenda, nurturing the local talent pipeline as well as giving something back to our community ”

Claire Watson, head of sixth form at Dyson Perrins, said: “This is one of the best employer-led opportunities that has been offered to our young people, and the range of activities they are involved with is fantastic. I have been very impressed with the project and all staff involved, and am extremely proud of our students who gained a place on this year’s scheme.”

Cllr Phil Grove, leader and economic development portfolio holder at the district council, said: “CADS is a nationally recognised exemplar model of business and school partnership, and we’re delighted to be able to help 3SDL to extend the scheme so that all our young people can develop their employability skills and tap into the exciting cyber and IT careers available right on their doorstep.”