THERE were special guests in attendance for Dyson Perrins annual Prize Giving Ceremony.

Mayor of Malvern Julian I’Anson and his wife joined the proceedings at the school to watch the ceremony go ahead.

The two most prestigious awards were won by students, and head boy and girl, Callum Loader and Leah Daly.

Callum and Leah won The Friends of Dyson Perrins Prize for outstanding contribution to the life of the school, while Leah alone was awarded the Jeremy Cooper Memorial Cup for the student who has brought the most distinction to the school.

Headteacher Stuart Wetson said: "People use titles such as role models or ambassadors quite lightly these days but I can safely say that Callum and Leah are superb examples for our younger students to follow.

"They have accompanied me to governors meetings and public events and they spoke at open evenings with a passion that those in the audience could not question.

"They have a maturity beyond their years and they both have a determined streak that runs through them.

"Leah oversaw student council projects, such as the design and building of our new covered eating area, and Callum chaired meetings to plan improvements to our school website design, so that in his words, “the community can see how good we are!”

"Leah has and will continue to bring distinction to Dyson Perrins through her studies, endeavour and academic grades.

"She’s a worker and deserves all the credit that comes her way. I look forward to charting Leah’s progress."