A CENTRE that provides therapeutic intervention for victims of rape and sexual assault has celebrated its third year of service.

Since opening in November 2012, The Glade Sexual Assault Referral Centre which has centres in Bransford, near Worcester and Telford, have helped more than 900 people.

The centre is just one of many Sexual Assault Referral Centres across England and Wales that have seen a rise in numbers year on year.

Hannah Taylor, centre manager, said: “The rise in numbers seen at our centre may be due to increased awareness of our service and also increased confidence in the support available, when clients don’t wish the police to be involved.”

The specialist centres combine forensic and therapeutic services for men, women and children who have been raped or sexually assaulted. Clients attending or contacting the centre are supported by a specially trained crisis worker.

Prior to the centre opening, if a forensic examination was required to gather evidence this was obtained once a report of a rape or sexual assault had been received by the police. The centre allows for clients who do not wish to report to the police, to access support services and a forensic examination where appropriate allowing for the secure collection of evidence and for the client to have time to think about their options.

Mrs Taylor added that forensic examinations must take place within the forensic window to gather evidence appropriately. She said: “Most people wouldn’t know about forensic window opportunities to collect evidence following a rape or sexual touching. Many people may not be aware that there is a Sexual Assault Referral Centre service in their local area.

“Others don’t wish to involve the police but are unaware where they can access follow-up – we can offer support and information on all services available to them.”

Raising awareness of Worcestershire’s local centre comes at a time when The Worcestershire Forum Against Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence is spearheading the national White Ribbon campaign locally – committed to helping and supporting men, women and children affected by domestic abuse and promoting healthy and respectful relationships, The forum is encouraging residents throughout the county to say no to all forms of abusive relationships during the campaign. Entitled The 16 Days of Action, the campaign was launched globally on Wednesday 25 November and will run until Thursday10 December.

Martin Lakeman, strategic coordinator for the forum said :“Working with organisations like The Glade is all part of Worcestershire’s strategy to continue to raise awareness of both domestic abuse and sexual violence. By doing this, we are providing knowledge and ease of access to support for victims and survivors, many of whom are unaware of the help available and subsequently feel extremely isolated.

“During The 16 Days of Action we are keen to promote the help and advice that is available in Worcestershire. Nobody should suffer in silence.”

If you’re in need of help and support either call the Worcestershire 24 hour domestic abuse helpline on 0800 980 3331 (for both men and women) or Worcestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre’s Helpline on 01905 724514.

The Glade can be contacted by calling 0808 178 2058 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, by emailing info@theglade.org.uk or atvisiting www.theglade.org.uk.