I would like to comment on the article in the Malvern Gazette (May 4) regarding gas lamps in the area.

The civic society seem to have come to several conclusions before even writing the required report, its spokesperson stating that there had been "a steady decline in the number and condition of the gas lamps, some had disappeared and others had been damaged and not repaired".

For many years Gas Appliance Showroom Ltd has battled to maintain these historic lamps and keep them in as good a condition as is possible. We have struggled against constant vandalism, the obvious budget and time restraints, disconnection by Transco and the constant problems of working with 100-year-old mechanisms.

It is hoped that before the civic society makes its report it consults those who actually have some knowledge about this difficult situation.

John Creese, director, Gas Appliance Showroom Ltd, Malvern.