NINE members of Powick Parish Ramblers, plus the dog Digby, enjoyed a bright, sunny four-and-a-half mile walk around Croome Park last Tuesday morning. The fine weather meant that visibility was good and the Malvern Hills, Bredon Hill and May Hill could all be seen.

The path led from Dunstall Common on a circular walk around the river and lakes designed by Capability Brown for the Earl of Coventry. Croome Park, now managed by the National Trust, has been restored to its original plan and the walkers' path led uphill to the church past the newly established pleasure gardens and back past Croome Court to the cars. David Allen was thanked for leading such an interesting walk which had taken two and a half hours.

On Monday (May 21) a five-mile walk through Coddington and over Oyster Hill will be led by Joy and Phil Bunyan. Meet 10am at the Farmers Arms, Wellington Heath. For details, ring 01886 832774.

Powick Church fete will be held at St Peter's Church on Saturday, June 2, from noon onwards. Stalls, traditional and new, will be outside if fine, refreshments in the Lady Chapel and all proceeds to church funds. Any offers of help and items for sale would be most welcome.

Powick Parish Council holds its annual parish meeting on Friday, May 25, at 7.30pm at the parish hall. The meeting is open to the public and electors are able to speak and vote. Local organisations will be able to report on their year's activities.

The churchyard at St Peter's Church, Powick has been entered into the Best Kept Churchyard competition 2007 organised by the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England and the Worcestershire Federation of Women's Institutes. Judging takes place between June 1 and August 10 and will take into consideration various aspects including tidiness, condition of pathways and grassed areas and absence from graves of litter or dead flowers. Please help Tony Gwilliam maintain a well kept, well loved churchyard.

Congratulations to all who organised the Old Tyme Music Hall evening (as reported in last week's Malvern Gazette) and to all who gave their services free, raising £1,000 for St Richard's Hospice. On Sunday evening (May 20), a service to mark the end of Christian Aid week takes place at 6.30pm at St Mathias Church, Malvern Link. The guest speaker is Charlotte Marshall from the charity.