THE Farmers Arms next quiz night is on Sunday, May 27, at 8.30pm (not on Sunday, May 20). Weather permitting there will be a barbecue beforehand. Why not come and have a go at the quiz and give the Flat Caps and Jellied Eels a run for their money?

Will Killeen will be entertaining us on Thursday (May 24) with his blues music from about 8.30pm onwards and on Friday, May 25 we have Sole, the funky Irish fiddle player.

Neighbourhood Watch suggestion: If you would like advice about protecting your valuable possessions from being stolen, please contact Graham Jones on 01531 632563 The May fair went well on Saturday, May 12, with lots of produce being donated. Thank you to all who helped with the setting up of stalls, making teas, raffle, selling and clearing away. Altogether we made £283.

The Farmers' Market is on Thursday (May 24) from 5pm to 6.30pm at the Memorial Hall. Go and take a look.

On Thursday (May 24) the mobile library calls at Wellington Heath as follows: Oak Tree, 11am-11.30am, Memorial Hall, 11.35am-noon, and Floyds Lane, 12.05am-12. 30pm.

Friday, May 25, is the next games evening for eight to 15-year-olds. This is in the memorial hall at 7.30pm.

Christ Church Services this week are as follows: Sunday (May 20) 9.30am, morning prayer, officiant Jonathan Andrew; Tuesday (May 22) 9.30am, bible study at Kim's; Wednesday (May 23) 9.30am, morning prayer, 7.45pm, PCC meeting at Roseleigh.

Village hall activities will commence on Tuesday (May 22) with parents and toddlers at 9.45am, bridge at 2pm and Brownies at 5.30pm. On Wednesday (May 23) creative kids is at 10am and 3.45pm, the U3A committee meets at 10.30am and Pilates is at 1pm and 6.45pm. On Thursday (May 24) art class at 10am.