THE project to replace the roof at Christ Church in Malvern is set to be finished by early December, the church's vicar said this week.

But the Malvern Gazette appeal continues unabated to raise the £30,000 needed to finance the major repair project.

And you can help out by sponsoring a tile in the name of a loved one to help the church reach its target.

The church is currently surrounded by scaffolding while the work to re-roof the church continues.

Canon Harold Goddard said this week: "Work has continued steadily on the high roofs of the nave at Christ Church. When this is finished the roofers will move on to the chancel, the lady chapel and the vestry roofs. Finally the roofs of the side aisles and the main porch will be replaced. Work is scheduled to be completed on Friday, December 11.

"The congregation of Christ Church is very grateful to the Malvern Gazette for organising the Tile to Remember Appeal. Donations have continued to come in steadily over the past week and many of them have been gift-aided.

"When we have recovered the income tax on these gift-aided donations, the total received so far will be over £4,000. Thank you very much to all the people in Malvern and further afield who have supported this appeal.

"Once the work is completed, Christ Church will once again be weatherproof and ready to continue as a worship centre, a concert venue and a community centre for the people in the centre of Malvern."

The Victorian church in Avenue Road with its prominent spire is one of the most distinctive landmarks in Malvern.

The total cost of the work is £223,000, much of which has been covered by grants from the Heritage Lottery Fund and other sources, but public help is still needed to raise the remaining £30,000.

Churchwarden Angela Green said: "Our grateful thanks go to our architect Nick Joyce, with whom frequent site meetings are held, along with Miller Roofing who are undertaking the work."

If you would like to donate, please fill in the form and then send it to the church with your cheque enclosed. If you pay income tax, please tick the gift aid box so that the church can recover the income tax you have paid on your donation.