CAMPAIGNERS protesting about cuts in health and social care funding are planning a march through Worcester's city weekend.

The campaign, Stand Up For Care, was launched by Cathy Jackson-Read of Malvern after she found out about cuts of a further £3.3 million to public health funds in Worcestershire announced in the chancellor’s summer budget.

Campaigners fear that, added to cuts of £50 million imposed on the county council over the last two years, these cuts will further reduce services and support to vulnerable adults across the county.

She said: “To those of us fortunate enough not to have personal experience of mental ill health, a learning or physical disability, or simply getting older and more frail these are just meaningless numbers. For adults, children and young people dependent on the support of social care and health services these cuts mean the difference between surviving and having a reasonable quality of life.”

The march is on Saturday, October 31, starting at noon from St Andrew’s Gardens, Deansway, next to Heart of Worcestershire College.

It is meant to raise awareness of what cuts to public services mean for real people and to call for a public debate about the financing of services and support for the most disadvantaged and vulnerable citizens.

Marchers will go up Copenhagen Street, through High Street and down Broad Street before crossing the river bridge and gathering in Cripplegate Park.

Carole Harker, of Upton, has a daughter with disabilities and knows first hand how hard it can be to get support “I’m marching on October 31, because I’m seriously worried about what help will be available in the future for families like ours,” she said.

The campaign group are urging people to show they care by joining the march. Barrie Hinksman, a member of the group, said: “A good turn-out on the day will show our civic leaders that support for vulnerable people is an issue of public concern and enable them to voice their own concerns about the impact of cuts.”

If you believe that changes to social care for adults, young people, children and families are causing difficulties for the most vulnerable and those least able to speak out for themselves, please give the Stand Up for Care campaign your support:

For more information go to the facebook page Stand Up for Care or contact Cathy Jackson-Read at