TWO friends from Malvern completed a gruelling challenge when they canoed nearly 150 miles on the river Thames in under five days.

Research scientist Thomas Lanyon-Hogg, aged 30, and jewellery designer Edward Langmead, 31, both now live in London, but they grew up together, attending Colwall Primary School and Malvern College.

"We were inspired by the classic book Three Men in a Boat, but it turned out to be more gruelling than we had expected," said Dr Lanyon-Hogg.

They started their challenge near Cricklade in Wiltshire, at the point where the river becomes large enough for their canoe, and finished at Putney.

He said: "For two people who had never canoed before, covering this distance so quickly in a three-man Canadian canoe carrying about 50 kg of equipment and food was a feat that many people we met along the route doubted would even be possible. This included lock keepers, boat owners, a kayaking instructor, and even people we hired the canoe from.

"The weight of the canoe and equipment meant that our top speed was no more than around three miles per hour. We were also hindered by having to wait at most of the 45 locks along the river, as the canoe was too cumbersome to carry around them.

"This meant we had to spend up to 16 hours a day in the craft, canoeing well into the dark and sleeping on average just over five hours a night on the river banks.

"We relied on a guidebook of the Thames to navigate the river, and measured our progress by which bridges or locks we had passed."

They completed the trip in just four days and three hours, despite setbacks with wind, rain, dehydration, sunburn, and fatigue.

"We finished in Putney because if we went any further down the tidal stretch of the river, our canoe would be swamped by the wakes of larger vessels.

"It was the toughest thing we've ever done, but I think we're both pleased to have accomplished it."

They also raised over £500 for Trinity Hospice in Clapham, which cared for a friend of Dr Lanyon-Hogg's when she was ill. To contribute, visit