COUNCILLORS from Malvern Hills and Wychavon visited a Worcester hostel to find out more about the problems faced by the homeless.

Coun Melanie Baker, the housing portfolio holder at Malvern Hills, and Cllr Richard Morris, who holds a similar position at Wychavon, visited St Paul's Hostel at Tallow Hill, which provides 46 beds for homeless people aged 16 or over.

It also supplies regular meals and a range of support services dealing with issues including substance abuse and mental health.

During the visit, Coun Baker served food to residents in the hostel's kitchen, and spoke to them about their experiences, and to managers about the challenges facing them.

She said: "It was good to meet some of the residents, hear their views and learn a bit about their story and future ambitions.

“People help people and none of us should lose sight of the fact that we each have a part to play in supporting people in our communities, especially those who are most vulnerable.”

Coun Morris said: “It was a very enlightening experience, particularly meeting such dedicated people who provide such a good service.

“The residents I spoke to were really happy and motivated to be there and appreciative of the whole support structure there.

“We really appreciate what they do at St Paul’s, the outreach programme is especially important, and we will make every effort to ensure it continues to be supported.”

St Paul’s was established almost 40 years ago. People can approach the hostel directly as well as being referred through various organisations including Malvern Hills and Wychavon councils.

The hostel also has an outreach team which identifies and works with rough sleepers. Since July the hostel and outreach team have supported ten residents with a connection to the Malvern area and 24 with a connection to Wychavon.