WEST Mercia and Warwickshire Police are supporting a day of action, remembrance and awareness for ‘Britain’s lost women’ today (Tuesday, July 14).

Thousands of women and girls around the UK do not have the freedom to make decisions about the way they lead their lives, if they break their family’s rules or 'honour', they face terrible consequences and in some cases - death.

The majority of victims of honour-based violence (HBV) are girls and women as members of their family seek to control their behaviour and curb their freedom.

One victim, Shafilea Ahmed from Cheshire, was killed in 2003, in front of her siblings by her parents when she was 17, because she had dishonoured the family by wanting to wear 'western' style clothing and mix with white friends.

Girls who do not uphold the family's 'honour' are often forced into marriage; sometimes to men they have never met.

Forced marriage became a crime, punishable by up to seven years in prison, in June 2014, but honour-based crimes are difficult to tackle because much of the abuse takes place at home and victims may be frightened of coming forward.

Officers in Warwickshire and West Mercia policing areas have received training and guidance on recognising the signs of honour-based violence so they can identify record, protect and support victims of these terrible crimes.

Detective Superintendent Steve Eccleston, Head of Protecting Vulnerable People for Warwickshire Police and West Mercia Police, said: "The day of remembrance for Britain’s lost women, serves as a poignant reminder that although a family has taken their daughter’s life, her life and death has been recognised and remembered.

"We want anyone who is, or knows someone who is, at risk of honour-based violence to report these crimes, knowing that police will support and protect them."

If you, or someone you know, is suffering violence at home, please contact the police on 101 or in an emergency 999.

You can also contact Karma Nirvana, on 0800 5999 247, which offers a completely confidential advice service to anyone, male or female, whatever their circumstances.