WORCESTERSHIRE’S newest MP has thrown his support behind a national campaign raising awareness of the challenges faced by carers.

As part of Carer’s Week Mid-Worcestershire MP Nigel Huddleston, who was elected to the seat formerly held by Sir Peter Luff in last month’s General Election, has pledged to work to support those caring for family members and loved ones.

There are 10,543 carers in Mid-Worcestershire and 6.5 million in the UK as a whole.

The Conservative MP said: “Carers make a hugely valuable contribution to society and they need support to carry on the work they do.

“That is why I am supporting this initiative to encourage services in my community to think about the needs of carers and reach out to carers across the county and help ensure they don’t miss out on support.”

Carer’s Week, which runs until Sunday, June 14, is calling on people, businesses and other organisations to do what they can to help make the demanding work involved in caring as easy as possible while looking after carer’s own needs.

For more information visit www.carersweek.org.