FANS of Game of Thrones may have last seen him venturing beyond The Wall with Brandon Stark but Hodor will soon be appearing in Worcester.

Actor Kristian Nairn, best known as Hodor on the popular HBO show, will be appearing at Tramps, Angel Place, Worcester, with his Rave of Thrones set.

While the show may feature the Houses of Lannister, Stark and Targaryen, it will be a different kind of house that Kristian will be performing during his DJ set on Sunday, May 24.

In the show he plays a servant for House Stark at Winterfell and is capable of only saying the word "Hodor".

Jamie Gaskins, who works in the club's marketing department, said: "We are really excited for Kristian to appear.

"In terms of Game of Thrones it is such a massive show at the moment - it is probably the biggest show on television.

"To have him come down to DJ it should be a great set.

"We like to think a lot of the show's fans will come along.

"We have been publicising it we have had positive feedback from people.

"I think it's going to be a big event and a big pull because of how massive the show is."

His appearance at the nightclub is not the city's only connection with the show as actor Kit Harington, who plays Jon Snow, also comes from Worcester having studied at Chantry and Worcester Sixth Form College.

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