AS we enter the final months of the year, the days are getting colder and the nights are drawing in.

Typically, we tend to think about our heating needs only when the winter is upon us. However, as the winter can be so long and drawn out, it is never too late to think about ways to improve your energy efficiency and reduce your energy bills.

With 60-80% of a building’s consumption going on heating and hot water, installing a renewable heating system is an excellent way to save money and reduce your carbon footprint. The Government’s Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is now open to homeowners, so this means that the Government pays you for the energy that you produce. So for example, a 4 bed poorly insulated property that currently uses oil for fuel could benefit from an extra £5,480 per year by installing a Biomass boiler!

Whilst you are mulling over what you could spend this extra money on, here are some other tried and tested methods of keeping you warm during the winter months.

- Draft proof doors, windows and letter boxes

- Close curtains on south facing windows when the sun goes down to trap heat in when it’s been a sunny day

- Get a warm duvet for winter months so that you don’t need the heating on overnight

Failing that, a warm, thick jumper will take the chill off!

For more information on renewable energy and how it could help you save money on your

fuel bills, call 01684 893000 or visit